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Server Requirements

  • For installing SEAL Print Client, administrator privileges are required.

  • No DNS server is active on the server.

  • "Microsoft C++ 2015" Runtime is installed on the server.

    Hint - SEAL Systems master package

    SEAL Systems internal: The installation packages for "Microsoft C++ 2015" Runtime are available in M:\etc-extra-mslib\install.

  • A Java Runtime Environment equal or higher than Java version {{ JAVA_VERSION }} is installed on the server (Oracle JDK 8 or OpenJDK 8). For support of OpenJDK 8, refer to Keycloak.

    Caution - Java version

    Keycloak is currently not working with Java version 11.x! Please use a lower Java version until the bug is fixed.

Hint - separate server for SEAL Print Client

SEAL Systems recommends installing SEAL Print Client on a separate server and not on the server of the backend system.

Hint - active virus scanner

An active virus scanner may slow down the installation.

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